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Robert Décarie started practicing Holotropic Breakwork® and his training to become a certified facilitator in 2008. He is certified both with GTT and GLT. He facilitates HB workshops in Ottawa since 2015. Until May 2024, he was also a counselor working with adults, couples and people grieving after a loss. He is a Focusing teacher/practitioner and is certified with The International Focusing Institute. He paints, writes and leads groups in forest wandering.

Marni Burbela is a certified GTT facilitator, deeply inspired by the work of Stanislav Grof, as well as the quest for self-understanding and the exploration of consciousness. She is also a certified Kundalini yoga instructor and is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Counselling Psychology. Marni expresses her creativity through songwriting and making music. Committed to her own healing journey, she is dedicated to supporting others on their paths of growth and transformation.


Sharon Graham did her first Holotropic Breathwork in 2010 in a room with more than 100 people, presided over by Stan Grof. The experience had a profound effect on her. It gave a new perspective on the prolonged depression she had been suffering. Over the past 13 years Sharon has continued to use Holotropic Breathwork for self discovery. She has been part of workshops in Austria; Czech Republic; Spain; United Kingdom; United States and Ireland. She has done one-on-one sessions, and breathed in a room of more than 300 people. Since 2019, Sharon has co-facilitated Holotropic Breathwork workshops in Toronto, the city she considers home. Currently she also co-facilitates in St. Catherine’s (Ontario), and Ottawa. Sharon is the Mother of four now adult children. She is Grof Breathwork certified (GLT).

Ariadne Patsiopoulos discovered Holotropic Breathwork through a series of synchronicities in 2017. After her first workshop she was astounded by the sense of homecoming she felt. To this day, she is awed when she witnesses how deeply transformative these experiences can be, not just for herself, but for many others, breathers and facilitators alike. She became a certified HB facilitator with GTT in 2022.

Over the past 20+ years, Ariadne (MA Counseling Psychology) has worked with people at almost every age and stage of life in community and post-secondary contexts in a range of roles including facilitator, counsellor, social service worker, instructor and editor. She believes the holotropic paradigm has much to offer us all as we navigate together with resilience and compassion the liminal, and often chaotic passage of our times.

Ruth Webster started practicing Holotropic Breathwork in 2015 and trained with Grof Transpersonal Training. Since 2017 she assisted Robert in many of his workshops in Ottawa / Gatineau.  In 2023 she became a certified facilitator with Grof Legacy Training (GLT) and now co-facilitates with Robert and occasionally other facilitators.  She has a passion for health and well-being, her own self discovery and loves supporting other people in their journey of self-discover and self empowerment.  Early 2023 she became an accredited practitioner with Journey Work by Brandon Bay.

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